About Us
We are an organization who’s purpose is to develop a sustainable Blood Transfusion Service in Malawi, to ensure that the country is able to provide adequate supplies of safe blood and blood products to meet the needs of all patients in all hospitals in Malawi. The MBTS will work with all Central, District and relevant hospitals in the public and private sector, College of Medicine, clinical laboratories and their staff, clinicians and related projects and the Blood Donor Associations of Malawi (BDAM), in order to provide a safe and adequate blood supply to all those in need.

Our Mandate
The mandate of MBTS is to provide an adequate supply of safe blood and blood products for all patients who need blood in all authorized hospitals. By adhering to international standards of blood safety MBTS has prevented many patients from contracting transfusion transmissible infections. By striving to provide safe and adequate supplies of blood and blood products, MBTS has saved many mothers from dying from pregnancy and childbirth related blood loss. Many young children with malaria and malnutrition related severe anemia have been saved. Patients with trauma and others undergoing substantive surgical procedures have also benefitted.
Our Mission
Malawi Blood Transfusion Service (MBTS) is committed to providing a safe and adequate supply of blood and blood products for all patients in need, in all authorised Hospitals in Malawi, by collecting, processing and testinf all blood from voluntary non-remunerated blood donors from low-risk populations, to international standards, in a cost efficient manner

Our Vision
To meet Malawi's Blood needs by providing safe and accessible blood and blood products to the nation.